Carrying your name forever
1- Salma is a feminine given name derived from the Arabic word "salama" (Arabic: سلمى) meaning "peace" or "safety." [1] Salma is the feminine form of Salim or Salam
2- Azzahra means "the shining one", Fatimah Azzahra was a daughter of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
3-As my brothers name starting with 'Yu' ( Yuzman, Yuzrizal). My parent decided to name me as Yusalma Azzahra.
4- My grandmother of my father side name Selamah.
5- As a child, I never like my name. In Malay world, Salma is very traditional name, only auntie and grandma using this name. Modern name is preferable such as Liza, Rina to name a few.
6- Most of my friend during my childhood and teenage called me 'Yu' or 'Yus'
7- I start to learn and love my name after learning about history of Fatimah Azzahra in highschool.
8- When I grow older and start working,I get exposure from people of different races and countries. Many of them especially Middle Eastern praised my name. Therefore, people called me Salma.
9- It is true, your name is a 'doa', a prayer to you. Alhamdullillah, I saw changes in my life. A better life, A 'Salma'.
10-I am happy with my name, and thanks to my parent for
this beautiful Salma Azzahra.
2- Azzahra means "the shining one", Fatimah Azzahra was a daughter of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
3-As my brothers name starting with 'Yu' ( Yuzman, Yuzrizal). My parent decided to name me as Yusalma Azzahra.
4- My grandmother of my father side name Selamah.
5- As a child, I never like my name. In Malay world, Salma is very traditional name, only auntie and grandma using this name. Modern name is preferable such as Liza, Rina to name a few.
6- Most of my friend during my childhood and teenage called me 'Yu' or 'Yus'
7- I start to learn and love my name after learning about history of Fatimah Azzahra in highschool.
8- When I grow older and start working,I get exposure from people of different races and countries. Many of them especially Middle Eastern praised my name. Therefore, people called me Salma.
9- It is true, your name is a 'doa', a prayer to you. Alhamdullillah, I saw changes in my life. A better life, A 'Salma'.
10-I am happy with my name, and thanks to my parent for
this beautiful Salma Azzahra.
When we are born most of the parents choose the names that they have desired to have and give it to their children.
For us when we are toddlers we start to understand that this word means someone is addressing us.
When we are children our names are usually modified to sound more quite.
When we start our teenage period we start to wounder why we were named like this, most of us will start wondering why we were not named like the most close friend. This is why teenagers start to invent nicknames or they start use symbols from the real name like DJ, JR ..etc as sign of rejection.
When we pass the teenage period and our character starts to be more clear and reflect our self then our name will start reflecting our identity.
With time we start more and more to build up charisma around our names and we start to like it more and more, and this is why some people they use their names to name their companies or to register their invention, and so on.
Names can also be a power by it self, imagin you say I'm the brother of the prime minister X, just by using this name you already gained immunity and respect.
Names are given to us, names can be similer in their structur, sound and symboles ...but in the end names will tag us and will integrate in our personality and reflect us as person.
When we die our names will be the key to remember how we looked like in life, how we behave. Our names will be marked on what we have left in this life.
Names are us